Demographics & Social Statistics

Wolfram|Alpha's social-science statistics make it easy to get to know more about people from around the world or in your hometown. Explore data on language demographics or education, pull up crime statistics, learn about income and employment or explore a variety of other topics.

Health-Care Statistics

Examine global health indicators or details about health-care coverage and costs.

See a statistic for a particular country:


Gender Equality

Access Country Policy and Institutional Assessment rankings on gender equality.

Get CPIA gender equality ratings:

Crime Statistics

Investigate crime data throughout the US.

Search by region or type of crime:

Language Demographics

Access language-usage statistics from around the US and throughout the world.

View data by users or region:

Race & National Origin

View detailed US statistics about race, ethnicity and national origin.

Explore the racial demographics of the US population:

Military Data

Look into data on historical battles or a country's current military assets.

Determine facts about military forces:

Get information about armaments:

Age & Sex Demographics

Break down a region's population by age or sex.

Find particular facts about an area:

Business Statistics

Analyze business registration details and demographics worldwide.

Search data on businesses:

Education Statistics

Get information about education at home and abroad.

Narrow by grade level or area:

Marriage Statistics

Find data on marriage and divorce rates around the world.

Discover facts about a country or particular area in the US:


Voting & Registration Rates

Examine historical voter registration and voting rates by US state.

Look up particular facts about a state:

Analyze specific properties of multiple areas:

Human Development Index

View totals and details of Human Development Index metrics.

See the world Human Development Index:

Specify a country:

Compare countries:

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  • Economic Data
  • Money & Finance
  • Political Geography
  • Citizenship Statistics

    Get details about US population demographics by citizenship or immigration status.

    Research and compare specific populations among several regions:

    Income & Employment

    Access employment statistics and income information.

    Specify an occupation or population:

    Geographic Mobility

    Track US population changes or worldwide immigration trends.

    Look up domestic and international migration patterns:


    Learn about the world's religions and their adherents.

    Browse by country or faith:
