Personal Finance
Whether you're managing a stock portfolio, planning a move or paying off credit card debt, Wolfram|Alpha can compute useful answers to thousands of personal finance questions. Compute interest rates, analyze and project returns on stocks and other investments, convert world currencies and more.
Compare and compute interest and the time to pay off various types of loans and mortgages.
Do a mortgage computation:
Compute the time to pay off a credit card balance:
Convert between any two currencies and track historical trends.
Get currency conversions:
Look up physical properties of money:
Analyze and compare stocks on exchanges around the world.
Compare several stocks:
Do computations with company and stock data:
Explore and compare the cost of living and typical prices of consumer goods in different cities.
Compare cost of living indices for cities:
Get typical prices of consumer goods in different cities:
Personal Finance Web App相关示例
Chart historical trends in gas prices across regions in the US.